CncTimes in conversation with Mr Parag Alekar Ceo, Nicolas Correa, India at IMTEX 2019 CNCTimes 3:21 5 years ago 157 Далее Скачать
PARAG ALEKAR - CEO , NICOLAS CORREA, S.A. India Branch & ALVARO MARTINEZ DE LAGOS, Area Manager Machine tools World (MTWTV) 6:44 1 year ago 317 Далее Скачать
Mr.Parag Alekar - CEO - INDIA BRANCH , NICOLAS CORREA S.A. being featured in Manufacturing Heroes ENGINEERING REVIEW 2:10 2 years ago 309 Далее Скачать
CncTimes in conversation with Mr Akshay Singh,CEO,Big Zero Technology LLP at IMTEX 2019 CNCTimes 4:58 5 years ago 885 Далее Скачать
CncTimes in conversation with Mr Vineet Seth, MD, Mastercam India at IMTEX 2019 CNCTimes 8:38 5 years ago 497 Далее Скачать
CncTimes in conversation with Mrs Bhagyashree Adake, Marketing Manager,Gravotech India at IMTEX 2019 CNCTimes 3:36 5 years ago 305 Далее Скачать
CNCTimes in conversation with Mr. Terrence Miranda, Managing Director, HAAS Automation India CNCTimes 9:12 5 years ago 255 Далее Скачать
CNCTimes in conversation with Mr. Sandesh Kumar, Sr. Manager, Doosan Machine Tools India CNCTimes 2:19 5 years ago 164 Далее Скачать
CncTimes in conversation with Mr Amit Salunkhe GM ZOLLER India Pvt. Ltd at IMTEX 2019 CNCTimes 3:53 5 years ago 627 Далее Скачать
CNCTimes in conversation with Mr Vivek Naniwadekar, Executive Director, Fibro India CNCTimes 3:24 5 years ago 302 Далее Скачать
CNCTimes in conversation with Mr. Andrea Speroni, CEO, Speroni Group CNCTimes 3:22 5 years ago 421 Далее Скачать
CNCTimes in conversation with Mrs Neeti Sansare, VP- Business Development, Divide by Zero CNCTimes 4:06 5 years ago 95 Далее Скачать
Interview with the president of Nicolás Correa at IMTEX 2017 Nicolas Correa SA 5:49 7 years ago 401 Далее Скачать
Correa CF22/25 milling machine refurbished by Nicolás Correa Service NC SERVICE 1:08 4 years ago 433 Далее Скачать